Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vintage Tea Leaf

This Saturday, July 7th, L.S.Steampunk will be hosting a tea luncheon at the Vintage Tea Leaf in Long Beach, CA. 
The event will last from 11:30am until 4:00pm. 
Everyone is invited! 
We encourage everyone to come in costume and the first pot of tea is complements of Lizzie Stride.

We will be launching our newest line of hats, jewelry, and accessories. So please come by and join us.
For directions and information click

See you there!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Brown?

I think one off the most common questions I'm asked is, why do you use so much brown in your designs? 
The answer is quite simple actually. Unlike many styles the color has nothing to do with the style itself and more to do with a personal interest. When I view brown, cream, and tan together it reminds me of an old fashioned photograph, turning the wearer into a moving work of art. I use a full pallet of browns in my work to create this effect. My goal is to eventually have enough pieces done to do an old fashioned photograph without having to modify the image. To me that is Steampunk. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Clockwork Octopus

Clockwork Octopus
Crafted as one of the L.S. Octopus'

This fantastic necklace is a real treat. The bronze octopus in the center holds tight to it's treasure. The chain is wrapped around the necklace almost clumsily giving it an asymmetrical balance. This piece is one of a kind and currently being shown as an art piece in a local gallery. It truly is the perfect example of a Jules Vern steampunk style.

For other magnificent pieces check out     https://www.etsy.com/listing/98317129/the-kracken 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Titanic 100th Anniversary

The Titanic Widow
100th Anniversary Special

This one of a kind hat has been hand made with love. It was created to express the elegance and drama of the Titanic. This hat features a beautiful image of the Titanic as it sets sail. The pearls are a true sign of stature, giving this hat the charm of a first class ticket. The intricate bow in back gives this hat a hint of blue sea and white foam. It is finished off with a black, fishnet veil that adds a delicate, tragic mood to it. This stunning hat was inspired by all the ladies who lived and lost their loves on that tragic day. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Trouble With Steampunk

The Trouble With Steampunk

I hear all the time about how impractical Steampunk really is. It's a lot of dressing up, making things, and of course it's a lot of money. The trouble with Steampunk is that in our world today, with the economy that we have it's just not the sort of style people can really use. But most people still love the elegance and glamour of the scene. That's why I believe that Steampunk shouldn't mean over the top gadgets and Victorian era clothes. There should be a way to incorporate a little bit of Steampunk into everyday life.

Lets face it, if your a full time employee you don't have time to get dressed up in your best Victorian clothes and go out to tea often. So it may seem like enjoying Steampunk is out of your league but your wrong. There are many simple solutions to making your wardrobe into a Steampunk style fit for royalty. Things like color, accessories, and the types of fabrics you wear can make all the difference. Adding subtle pieces to your wardrobe such as vests, gloves, and a pocket watch will give you that Steampunk edge without the cost. Thrift stores and second hand stores are great resources for these things. And never be afraid to take something worn out and put a patch on it.

When it comes to finding unique accessories to add to your collection there are three things to remember...

1. Is it worth the price?
If your looking for a simple, Steampunky, piece to wear to work everyday you don't want something over the top. It might be pretty but let's be practical. $30 for a necklace is pretty outrageous. Simple and elegant will probably match most of your current wardrobe and unique and quirky will look great with jeans and a t-shirt. So make sure your getting something that isn't going to break the bank.

2. Will I wear it often?
The hardest part about Steampunk is resisting the urge to buy every amazing and cool thing you see. The whole genera is about having the most creative, unique, and amazing thing on the market but the question is, will you wear it? I like arm cannons as much as the next person but I can't wear it to work or to dinner with the in-laws. Although it would be fun to see the look on their faces. So remember if it's going to collect dust you probably don't need it.

3. Can I make it myself?
Steampunk is all about the DIY, do it yourself. If you see something cool the question is can you make it yourself? You can find many things like gears, key charms, and lockets at your local craft store. So the materials are always within reach. I always say it's wrong to copy someone else's art but you can always be inspired by their idea. Create something unique of your own. For many people time and creativity are low so, start back at question one and decide whats going to work for you.

If the price is right and the piece will be your favorite then it's worth the money. 

For more information or if you have any questions about pricing, DIY projects, and more please e-mail me at : lssteampunk@gmail.com

Or for inspiration, accessories, and more check out:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Symbol of L.S. Steampunk

Clockwork Octopus
The Symbol of L.S.Steampunk

This pendant was found digging through some jewelry bins. The gears were an added touch. The most interesting detail of this piece has to be the water droplets that seem to have formed on the glass.  This beautiful pendant is the pride and joy of artist Lizzie Stride who is said to wear it almost everywhere. It embodies the very idea of the fantasy and engineering of the Steampunk genera.

For more one of a kind pendants check out: 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Little Irish Lady

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Little Irish Lady

The Little Irish Lady is a miniature top hat. This hat is made out of stiffened felt and decorated with brown silk ribbon. It is adorned with beautiful olive and forest green feathers. This one of a kind hat features 2 large gears and a miniature pair of scissors. The final touch is a lovely strand of vintage pearls. This hat was inspired by St. Patrick's Day and my Irish heritage. A proud display of pride and elegance for this March 17th.

For more beautiful miniature top hats visit 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Gunner Girl

The Gunner Girl

The Gunner Girl is a white military hat found at an antique mall in
Long Beach, California.
This one of a kind hat is made out of a beautiful worn silk. The purple mesh is adorned with small white flowers. The hat features an antique oil lamp piece and two bullet shells. In the center is an arrow pointing toward the sky. The Gunner Girl was inspired by the 1920's Air Force and the girls who dreamed of flight.

Welcome to the L.S.Steampunk Blog

Welcome to the L.S.Steampunk Blog.

    Before we start talking about whats new, how about a bit of whats old? L.S.Steampunk was founded in August of 2011 by the Inventor, Lizzie Stride. (That's her in the picture!) Lizzie has always had a flair for design. After studying at the Pasadena Art Center in 2006 she began to create new and interesting designs. She became known for taking the classic styles of the past and gave them a modern twist. So when she discovered Steampunk in 2009 it was love at first sight. Since then her wardrobe has grown to over 10 Victorian costumes and dozens of hats. When Lizzie finally ran out of room in her closet she began to sell her creations, which has lead to the start of L.S.Steampunk. Now, with the help of other artists and new inspirations, Lizzie Stride has begun a crusade to create some of the most memorable Steampunk styles you'll ever see...

   While her genius had lead to many great things, she earns a modest living selling only what she doesn't fall in love with herself. All of her pieces for sale can be found here...  http://www.etsy.com/shop/LSSteampunk

   And for those of you who are as hopelessly addicted to Facebook as I am check out

Thank you and enjoy the show.